The word “Sandhya” has been synonymous for charm, compassion and liveliness in the family. She has been the binding force of the family with her gracious presence and bubbling demeanours coupled with good humour, till the year 2017, when destiny has physically taken her away to the other world. But her spirit of helping nature and charity remained with the family, who established "Sandhya Charitable Trust" on 27.8.2018 to keep her vision and thoughts alive and to ameliorate the pains of the needy and deprived.
In this pursuit this, the Trust was registered on 27.8.2018 at Srikakulam-532 001, Andhra Pradesh with Regd. No.49/2018 and small scale activity of helping the poor & needy was started by way of distribution of need based items through the like minded organisations or directly to the beneficiaries.
Further, a Physiotherapy Centre was opened under its own umbrella on 21.2.2019 at Nakka Veedhi, Srikakulam in a rented premises with latest available equipment, manned by a qualified physiotherapist and experienced Assistant as supporting staff.
The trust has further ambitions to go into the fields of education and fine arts in the short run, where in children can be helped to hone their skills for facing the competitive examinations and also pursue fine arts which are fading away now a days from the children’s life due to their fast pace in the school/college life.